Who the hell is Hamish podcast

Over the last year or so I have REALLY gotten into podcasts. I listen to podcast episodes at least once (but sometimes twice) a day and I’m always searching for the next binge-worthy series to add to my library. I love how you can listen to them on the go,


At the end of every month I like to look back and reflect on ten things that made me happy and that I’m thankful for. February is my birthday month so there was lots to be happy about this month! A trip up to Edinburgh Earlier in the month I

Lullaby book

At the end of each month I like to look back and reflect on ten things that made me happy and that I’m grateful for. Here’s my ten happy things for January! Ringing in the New Year in Chicago We spent New Year in Chicago and loved it! What a


At the end of each month, I look back and choose ten things that made me happy and that I’m thankful for. Here are my Ten Happy Things for December. Blogosphere Festival At the beginning of December I attended my first ever Blogosphere festival, which was at the Landmark hotel