Flat lay of a mobile phone, pen and flowers on a light blue background

I bet, like me, you spend a lot of time looking at screens. Whether it’s your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or TV. We all know that too much screen time isn’t good for us but it’s hard to break habits. I’m trying to make a conscious effort to spend less

Five tried and tested home workouts

Now, I’m no gym bunny but I do like to work out. Not only is it good for my physical health, it’s really good for my mental health too. In fact, if I’ve not done any exercise for about three or four days, I definitely feel my mood change. Sometimes

Edmonton Alberta in Canada

It’s that time of the month again! Time to look back at the month that’s just passed and choose ten things that made me happy and that I’m grateful for. Here are September’s ten happy things. Family time in Edmonton My mom and my sister and nephews live in Edmonton,