Edmonton Alberta in Canada

It’s that time of the month again! Time to look back at the month that’s just passed and choose ten things that made me happy and that I’m grateful for. Here are September’s ten happy things. Family time in Edmonton My mom and my sister and nephews live in Edmonton,

Vancouver skyline

Every month I like to look back and reflect on the month just past and what brought me joy. Here are my ten happy things for August! Floral day out with Fee I was invited to explore Covent Garden as part of a brand sponsored post so I took along

Cefalu Sicily

There’s much in my life to be grateful for but it’s also easy to get carried away with day-to-day life and forget to be thankful. That’s why at the end of each month I look back and reflect on ten things that made me happy. Here are my ten happy


I think it’s so important to actively think about things that bring joy to your life. That’s why every month I look back and write about ten things that made me happy and that I’m grateful for. This is May’s 10 happy things! Lunch with Fee in Chiswick I first