10 things to do in Boston

We spent a wonderful five days in Boston for New Year and absolutely loved it. It really surpassed our expectations and we will definitely visit this beautiful New England city again! When we visited, the city was experiencing the coldest weather they’d had in around 100 years. It was around

Positano in Italy

My 2018 travel wishlist


It’s not even 2018 yet but already I’m thinking about what places I’d like to visit next year! When it comes to planning in advance, I have to say that we’re not that great at it. Usually we leave deciding -and then booking – to about a month in advance.

Tips to get the best travel deal

Whether you’re a budget traveller or a luxury traveller, you still want to get the best deal right? I absolutely love a bargain. Why pay more when you could get it for less? That means more money to spend on prosecco! As a seasoned traveller, here are my top tips

Five offbeat documentaries for your travels

There is nothing I love more than watching offbeat documentaries. And the wackier, the better. Whenever we travelĀ on short haul flights, I make sure to download a bunch of programmes that we can watch on the flight together, with our headphone splitters. I also make sure I have a couple