Matera in Basilicata

Matera is probably the most unique place I’ve ever visited. It is absolutely breathtaking and awe-inspiring to visit a city that dates back to the Stone Age and is one of the oldest, continually inhabited cities in the world. I highly recommend a visit to Matera, the city of caves

Margherita Theater in Bari

Bari, in Puglia, is known as the ‘gateway to the East, due to its history of trade. It’s a fascinating city that is full of charm. Many people fly in to Bari to go onto other destinations in Puglia but I’d highly recommend spending a few days exploring Bari and

City of Matera in Basilicata

Each month I like to look back and choose ten things that made me happy and brought me joy. September was full of friends and food! And a fabulous trip to Basilicata and Puglia. Here’s my ‘ten happy things’ for September. Drinks with Neha At the beginning of September I