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Things I’d love to do if I had the time

Things I'd do if I had more time

Work, hey? Although I love what I do, it does take up my whole day and can stretch into the evening, which doesn’t leave much time for anything else. If I were lucky enough to have enough money to not work, meaning I had loads of time on my hands, this is what I’d like to do:

Learn to cook like a proper chef

I’m a pretty good cook but I’m a boring cook. Like most people, I tend to make the same ten dishes on rotation. I would love to expand my culinary repertoire and learn how to cook Thai food, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and fancy French dishes. Plus, how cool do chefs look when they’re chopping stuff? I want to learn those mad knife skills (although I’m terrified I’d chop off a digit!). Then I could enter Masterchef – a dream of mine – and cook amazing dishes like this Stir-fry black pepper rib eye beef with merlot from Hakkasan.

Stir-fry black pepper rib eye beef with merlot

Write a book

Such a cliché but I would love to write a novel. I absolutely love books and every time I read a really good one I think of what if… what if I could write something so clever, so gripping, so addictive? I did try write my first chapter for a charity challenge for Child’s i Foundation- a charity close to my heart. I managed to raise a fair bit of money but did I write that chapter? Hell no. I think I wrote about four pages and it was rubbish.

Take a drawing class

I am always so envious of people who can draw so beautifully and effortlessly. I’d love to take a class or two to develop my drawing skills and then while away the hours in a museum or park (when the weather is nice) with a big old sketch pad and sketch away. I’m pretty sure it does wonders for mindfulness. At the moment I do colour in my Animal Kingdom colouring in book by Millie Marotta but quite frankly, it’s hardly the same is it?

Adult colouring in book

Go ice-skating

When I was young, I used to be a figure skater and took part in competitions and everything (yup, that’s me in the first spot holding the trophy that you can just make out from the blurry photo). It’s actually quite funny when I think about it as I grew up in Durban, South Africa, where it’s 26 degrees in Winter! I gave up when I was about 12 and I’d love to take it up again. There’s an ice-rink not too far from where I live but I wouldn’t want to just skate around in circles in the open sessions, I’d like to have a trainer. It’s fun and amazing exercise too.

Ice skating competition

Train for a marathon

I hate running. Can’t run, won’t run. For some odd reason though, I really want to run a marathon! Preferably the London Marathon or the New York Marathon (that way I get a holiday too). I think it stems from my dad, who was an amazing runner and has run many marathons, including double marathons. I’ve been a spectator at marathons since I was really little and the atmosphere is always great – especially the London Marathon. But instead of cheering, I want people to cheer me on.

Be a better photographer

As we like to travel a lot, I’d really like to hone my photography skills (which apart from having a fairly decent eye, are pretty non-existent). I have a really good SLR but do you think I know how to use it? My husband bought me a manual and I got bored after page 8. So I’d love to go on a proper, professional course to learn how to use my camera, how to get the best lighting, how to compose a shot and how to approach subjects, as reportage is one of my favourite styles. Basically I’d like to be the next Brandon Stanton from Humans of New York.

So there you go, that’s what I’d like to do if I had the time. What would you do?

What would you do if you had more time?

Kirsty Marrins

Reader, writer, occasional runner, travel lover.




  • Amanda Williams

    I’d like to do all of the above (except the ice-skating and the marathon running) – I have bones ‘made of glass’ so neither of those would be a good idea – lol. I am totally loving my own mindfulness colouring book at the moment btw.

    • Kirsty Marrins

      Oh dear, ice-skating definitely wouldn’t be a good idea then! Yes, the colouring-in is very relaxing 🙂

  • Jesus

    Oh so many things I would want to do. Hike one of the long trails in the US or Europe would be one for sure.

    Now, about that camera of yours. I suffer from book boredom, but I’d like to recommend the book “Understanding Exposure” for you. Pretty sure you won’t get bored and it’ll kick up your photo ability.

    • Kirsty Marrins

      Thanks for the book recommendation- I’ll definitely take a look. Hopefully you’ll get to go on hikes soon!

  • Rochelle Dancel

    I’d always wanted to climb, if only because both my brothers have climbed since their teens, and I’d never been able to join them. However, there were always a million reasons why I didn’t get around to it: busy (like most business owners), accident prone, scared of heights, not traditionally ‘sporty’, and didn’t know anyone who wanted to learn with me. But last year, I thought, eff it.

    So I booked a training course and a half day off work. I learnt about all aspects of climbing safely and got a membership at a climbing wall. Since then, my confidence has grown and I’m a lot stronger – much more fun than the gym. I have another activity I can do with my siblings, and there’s a surprising number of people who say yes whenever I put out a general call for a climbing partner when I want to go.

    So if you truly want to do any of this stuff, just book a class to get you into it, and you’ll be surprised at how easy it’ll slot into your life in time you never thought you had!

    • Kirsty Marrins

      Thanks Rochelle, excellent advice! Maybe I should just book a cooking class then…

  • Jaynie

    I agree with you on writing a novel. Maybe someday I’ll do it! ha
    I have found that since I work from my home office, I have time but don’t necessarily manage it very well.

    • Kirsty Marrins

      Yes, time management is a big issue. I work three days a week in an office and two from home. At the moment though, I just have too much on so I don’t even have any spare time to mismanage!

  • Wanderlustingk

    I would learn to knit…something I am not patient enough for.

    • Kirsty Marrins

      I still have a blanket I’m knitting that I’ve been knitting for about 4 years… Think I’ve done about one fifth of it!

  • Hung Thai

    I would do none of these things. Instead, I would use my time to find more time; therefore, I’d never run out of time but also would end up doing nothing. Wait…

    • Kirsty Marrins

      Ha ha!

  • Rosemary

    I was amused reading this list. All the great stuff…the question is why not now?

    • Kirsty Marrins

      At the moment, work is just taking up all of my time unfortunately. Hopefully in a couple of months I will have more spare time!

  • Sandra

    I did the drawing class and was rubbish at it! I’d love to write a book, have an online shop and do the marathon thing (did the first Edinburgh moonwalk) so know what the distance would be like…though running might be a different thing!

    • Kirsty Marrins

      The Edinburgh Moonwalk? Well done! At least by running, it ends quicker! What kind of online shop would you have?

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