Edinburgh Castle

Each month I look back and reflect on memories and moments that brought me joy. There’s something really lovely about writing them down and I even like reading old posts to see what my ‘happy things’ were in previous months and even years. Here’s what made me happy and brought

The Baa bar at Thyme in the Cotswolds

Each month I look back and reflect on what made me happy and brought me joy. As February is my birthday month, there was lots of things to be happy about! Of course the attack on Ukraine has been terribly devastating and my heart goes out to everyone who is

Lunar New Year at Mimi Mei Fair

Each month I reflect on the month that’s passed and write about ten things that made me happy and brought me joy. January was a great month, with lots of happy moments. Here’s my ‘ten happy things’ for January! Ate delicious food in New York Since we were in New

Best books to read

I am a massive bookworm! I adore reading and am trying to incorporate it more into my daily routine. Back in 2020 I set myself a goal to read a book a month, as sadly I wasn’t reading as much as I wanted to. That year I read sixteen books,